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You can be that person if you bet on personal coaching.

If you bet on yourself. 

"...If a person feels good physically and mentally, they are ready to take on the world...everything is within us"


If there is something that truly fills me with energy and motivates happiness, it is being able to help and inspire others. Being able to motivate, incentivize, drive. See that those small-big changes are achieved. Through practically all my life I have felt that I contribute, in a very positive and close way, to people. Sharing my professional and personal experience. I help others in some way. That makes me feel very happy and is closely linked to my profession as a communicator and actor. And it is for this very reason that I offer this mentoring and coaching service. Let me explain a little more:

Have you ever said or thought any of these phrases?

  • "I don't feel or look good"



  • "I do not know what I want"



  • “It is difficult for me to be motivated by something”



  • “I am not able to take the step”



  • "I do sports, but I don't see results"



  • "I am afraid to make mistakes"


  • "I don't have time to take care of myself"



  • "I want to love myself more"



  • "I don't see myself in a gym"



  • "I have a goal, but I don't know how to reach it"

Surely yes, and more than one of them.


And more than once.

It has happened to all of us at some point, but having these feelings on a recurring basis is a clear sign that something is wrong.


You are not taking care of yourself enough or you are not doing it in the right way.


And the consequences can be significant.


Feeling stuck, unmotivated, blocked or frustrated, whether on a physical or emotional level, will affect you sooner or later, in all aspects of your life.


If you're not doing it already.


In your work, with your partner and family, with your friends.


And in the most important relationship of all: 

Aaron Cobos Coach deporte playa corriendo

The relationship with yourself.

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And you will be thinking:


“Yes, Aaron, I know the theory.


I have to take care of myself physically and emotionally so that everything flows as it should.


But doing it is another story and I have no idea where to start."


I like to call personal coaching “the push you need to get what you want”.

And it is so.


Self-improvement is nothing more (or less) than learning to set goals and how to carry them out. I assure you that seeing how the work bears fruit is a wonderful feeling.


And, above all, do it with focus and perseverance, but enjoying the journey and seeing results from the first moment.


That is personal coaching.


Provide you with lasting tools that will serve you in the short, medium and long term. And if you are an artist I will help you overcome everything that is holding you back.


And those tools “for you forever”.

After years of experience in individual processes  I have been able to detect common elements to attend to. I combine techniques from NLP and state-of-the-art Coaching. Depending on the specific needs of each person and specific objectives, I will select the tools that will be most useful, always supported by research, scientific validity and my applied experience.

I combine techniques from high performance psychology and third generation psychotherapy. Depending on the specific needs of the group members, I will select the tools that will be most useful, always supported by research, scientific validity and my applied experience.

A better version of yourself is possible, you just have to polish it and let it see the light. 

That's what he's aboutpersonal coaching and I also help you through the body.

Training body and mind is not a myth.

It is the key to a longer life but we can also adapt to your specific plan.

The human being is, as I like to say, a whole.


As much as we want, we cannot separate body and mind.


When you feel better about one, you will feel better about the other too.


And vice versa, if you feel bad about one, the other suffers.


They are two, but in reality they are only one.


So why ignore one of them, if we can feel much better treating them at the same time?

Do you still have doubts?

If you are still not sure if this is for you, through the form at the bottom of the page (CONTACT) consulting your case without commitment. The important thing is that you have the conviction that this is the moment and that I am the right person to accompany you.

They have been able

Do you really think you won't be able to?

The real PERSONAL COACHING (thus in capital letters): The one that unites physical and personal training. 

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  • Take advantage of a PERSONAL training.
    Enjoy improving your physical performance and/or learning to achieve your goals (whatever they may be),manage problems... The purpose of the session is set by you. And we go hand in hand.
  • Work individually and personalized.
    ​You are unique and so are your objectives and circumstances, why and why do it the same as everyone else?
  • Decide: Online or face-to-face.
    As long as the sanitary security measures and the distance allow it, you decide. See you in person or online, and in both options the benefits will be the same. *ask for geographic availability.
  • Stay motivated.
    There is good taste in variety and the process does not have to be boring. The dynamic sessions will help you maintain the energy and desire of the first day.
  • Exploit your own resources.
    Working on a physical level with your own weight and on a personal level with tools that you can use yourself,is the only way you can make your progress a style of life.
  • Save time and energy.
    I know there's nothing more frustrating than having little time and not being able to make the most of it. That is why we will focus time and effort so that you get results much faster than with other types of training. I'm with you.
  • Reduce investment in material in the case of Fitness Coach.
    By working with your own weight you will need almost no material. Also, if you opt for face-to-face sessions, I will provide everything you need. Of course, the desire is brought by you. I need your commitment. I also select who I want to work with.
  • Learn to eat a good diet... and VARIED!
    Food is crucial to obtain physical and personal results. We are and are made mostly by what we eat. What we eat through our mouths, through our eyes, what we hear, who we interact with... I will help you achieve habits that make you feel good without having to eat grilled breast tomorrow, afternoon and night.
  • Minimizes the risk of injury.
    I will be with you at all times to make sure you are doing it the right way and avoid injuries . In addition, both physical and personal exercises are 100% personalized: they will be adjusted to your level, objectives and circumstances. .
  • Take advantage of another point of view.
    Better 4 eyes than two. Receiving the point of view of a person outside your situation, impartial but empathetic, will help you rationalize your circumstances and focus on the solution. Many times we need that external push to take action.
  • Get what you are looking for.
    I offer you personal coaching in all spheres, but no one better than you to know what you want at this moment. What do you need. Each person is different and has different goals. Most of the time it only takes guidelines and small changes to be better. ​You choose if we only act on a physical or personal level or go all out. We believe your process and your path. Let's go hand in hand.
  • Here I explain everything you need to know:
    My name is Aaron Cobos and since I can remember I have been passionate about sports, dancing, and they say that motivating myself and others is in my blood. It makes me very happy. But that doesn't interest you, I know. What might interest you is that I have been training in all kinds of sports specialties since I was 18 years old: fitness, cycling, spinning, aerobics, step, swimming, dance, nutrition, physiotherapy, classical Pilates and yoga... It all started as part of the path to fulfill my dream: Be a professional actor, singer and dancer. And I have achieved it (I will talk about that in more detail in other sections of this website), but along the way, during my training, experts on the subject realized that I was good at it, had experience and was passionate about subject. That's why I trained as a coach and physical education professional and, from a very young age, I've taught classes in a lot of different disciplines. I went from being trained to training trainers. What things, right? In addition, after my stay in New York, where I got to know different types of cycling and training, I created AMERICAN CYCLING, where cycling or spinning is combined, while other parts of the body are also worked on, such as the arms, abdominals, etc. of a choreographic succession of symmetrical movements... a most effective madness both physically and mentally. A session on top of a bike that takes you to a higher level. ​ At the end of 2019, a major injury made me just connect and "connect the dots". An injury that makes me have to stay away from the tables for a long time and rehabilitate my body and soul, in the end it has been a gift. A before and after in my personal life and in my career. I have learned a lot thanks to this life experience. At this stage I also had time to obtain my two university master's degrees related to the business world, creative advertising and social networks (Master's in Business Management and Administration and Master's in Entrepreneurship and Innovation of new projects). Also, I have always been very interested in everything related to self-improvement, it is that it comes from my soul to focus and work until I get the best version of myself and encourage others to do it too. In fact, I am a client and partner of coaches, psychologists and mentors. I continue in constant formative experience and personal and professional evolution. Specialized in LifeCoach, Coach of athletes and Coach and Mentor of Artists. ​ This made me realize what I was looking for in a coach as a client (and what not), and the importance of uniting body and mind to achieve real results. That's why I trained as a personal coach, to be able to help my clients. In fact, I continue with my recycling and training every week with my mentors. ​ I am a specialist in PERSONAL COACH and ARTIST COACH. As an acting coach I offer you professional advice and direction. This is what the acting coach is all about who can also assist in character development, test preparation, auditions, dress rehearsals, scenes, monologues, and analytical critique. This is not to mention the help I can offer in relation to entertainment businesses, such as finding representatives and agents. I offer and help with professional advice and guidance. We will work on things like character building, audition preparation, casting, dress rehearsal preparation, scenes, monologues, and critical analysis. But really, it's been a very intense 20 years. And what remains is the most motivating.
  • Look at this:
    Technician in Physical Activities and Sports Animation 20 years in the world of dance and choreography, Performing Arts, theater, Television and advertising. Personal Trainer Pilates Method Alliance Pilates Certificate instructor Master in Psychology , treatment of traumas, stress and anxiety. Diploma in NLP and Coaching. Specialty course in Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.AEPSIS. Specialty course in Emotional Intelligence. AEPSIS. Course specializing in psychology for elite athletes. AEPSIS. Life Coach Certificate TRANSFORMATION ACADEMY. Master in Business Management and Administration and 2nd Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation of new projects from the Isabel I Madrid University and ENEB Barcelona.
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Choose the right way to improve yourself 

with personal coaching 



How to manage emotions, transform thoughts and change your world

In an increasingly fast-paced society, it is worth taking a break to connect with you, recover the essentials and find meaning

You choose:

Train your body, your mind o 

get the best version of you with a total personal coaching.



50 minute sessions

Online or face-to-face. Fully personalized classes.

 Designed exclusively for your level and goals.

Si aún tienes dudas, este es el momento de resolverlas

¿Un coach es un psicólogo?

No. Esto es algo que hay que tener claro desde el principio. Un coach no es un psicólogo y no trata ningún tipo de patología ni trastorno mental.

Tampoco es un confesor ni un guía. No elimina problemas.

Como coach te ayudaré a que veas tus obstáculos desde otra perspectiva para que consigas vencerlos y cumplir tus objetivos.

¿Cuántas sesiones de coaching personal necesitaré?

No hay dos personas iguales. Una vez tenemos claro el objetivo o la meta, un cliente puede llegar a ella más rápido que otro.

Lo que es seguro es que, como profesional, siempre intento que mis clientes consigan sus objetivos cuanto antes mejor.

Eso es lo que yo buscaba cuando contrataba a un coach o un entrenador físico y es lo que ofrezco.

¿Cómo sé si esto de coaching personal es para mí?

Si tienes ganas de sacar a la luz una versión mejorada de ti, a nivel físico y personal, es para ti.

De todos modos, para salir de dudas, ¿por qué no probar?

¿Vale la pena que invierta en coaching personal?

Si quieres sentirte mejor a nivel físico (con mayor rendimiento, más saludable, vital, fuerte, atractivo…) y personal (capaz de superar cualquier obstáculo y conseguir lo que te propongas…), y estás dispuesto a implicarte, sí vale la pena.

Pero eres tú quien debe decidir si invertir tu dinero en ti mismo o en cualquier otra cosa.

¿En las sesiones de coaching personal ofreces algún tipo de garantía, devolución del dinero…?

En este tipo de servicios no suele ofrecerse, pero como estoy seguro de que el coaching personal te va a ayudar, si después de 3 clases no te sientes mejor o motivado a continuar, te devuelvo el 50% del importe abonado.

¿Vale la pena que invierta en coaching personal?

¿Vale la pena que inviertir en ti?

Ellos han podido, ¿de verdad crees que tú no vas a poder?

Sesiones individuales Coaching





You choose the style that best suits you and if you prefer it individually or with your group of friends. Personalized classes and Masterclasses for your events, advertising...


1h class  face-to-face 


Creation of choreography for event, advertising, video.




*Ask me for details for classes with more students.

Coach Contacto

Thank you for your message!

Alicante, Madrid

Tel: +34 722210753

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Aaron Cobos | Spanish Actor

Movil: (+34) 609 372 290



Blog de Prensa:

Aaron Cobos | Spanish Actor

Elvi Cano

(The director for USA of the Audiovisual Producers Rights Management Entity)

Aaron is brilliant, super professional, and has the best energy!
Aaron Cobos | Spanish Actor

Francisco Javier D. Banderas

(Soho Caixabank Theatre)

From the casting of A Chorus Line you could see Aaron's professionalism... he is not only a fantastic dancer, but also a great actor, a tireless worker and above all a beautiful person inside and out... 
Aaron Cobos | Spanish Actor

Delilah Colombo


Aaron is a multifaceted artist, quite a renaissance. In all the fields where he exercises his trade, he always performs it with total brilliance, professionalism and dedication, in addition, all of this is sustained on a firm foundation of great sensitivity and humanity, always committed to the best of life and art. I admire him,!!


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Actors Madrid

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